Scholarly Publications
Below are recent publications by members of the OSIL team. Team members are bolded.
Henkel, Zach, Cindy Bethel, Kenna Baugus, and
David C. May. 2019. User Expectations of Privacy in Robot Assisted
Paladyn: Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10, 140-159.
Document Link
Stives, Kristen,
David C. May, Melinda Pilkinton, Cindy Bethel, and Deborah Eakin. 2019. Strategies to Combat Bullying:
Parental Responses to Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims.
Youth and Society, 51(3), 358-376.
Document Link
Nelson, S. L., and
Stubbs-Richardson, M. Incarceration of immigrants. Entry in
Prisons and Jails: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends. (Eds.) Worley V. & Worley, R.
Keena, Linda, Eric Lambert, Stacy Haynes,
David May, and Zachary Buckner. 2018. Examining the Relationship between Job
Characteristics and Job Satisfaction among Southern Prison Staff. Forthcoming in
Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research.
Document Link
Louine, Jeannice,
David C. May, Daniel L. Carruth, Cindy L. Bethel, Lesley Strawderman, and J. L. Usher. 2018. Are Black
Robots Like Black People? Examining How Negative Stigmas about Race are Applied to Robots.
Sociological Inquiry, 88(4),
Document Link
Payne, Brian,
David C. May, and Lora Hadzhidimova. 2018. America's Most Wanted Criminals: Comparing Cybercriminals and
Traditional Criminals.
Criminal Justice Studies,
Document Link
May, David C. and Brian Payne. 2018. Do White-collar Offenders Find Prison More Punitive than Property Offenders: Club Fed
or Club Dread?
Journal of Financial Crime,
25(1), 230-243.
Document Link
May, David C., Raymond Barranco, Ethan Stokes, Stacy Haynes, and Angela Robertson. 2018. Do School Resource Officers Really
Refer Juveniles to the Juvenile Justice System for Less Serious Offenses?
Criminal Justice Policy Review,
29(1), 89-105.
Document Link
Strawderman, Lesley, Scott Campbell,
David C. May, Cindy L. Bethel, John Usher, and Daniel L. Carruth. 2018. Understanding
Human Responses to the Presence and Actions of Unmanned Ground Vehicle Systems in Field Environments.
Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Transactions on Human Machine Systems,
48(4), 325-336.
Document Link
Rachel Allison, Adriene Davis, and
Raymond E. Barranco. 2018. "Race and the City: A Comparison of City Socioeconomics and
Demographics for Black and White Elite Football Players in the U.S."
International Review for the Sociology of Sport 53:615-629.
Document Link
Casey T. Harris, Ben Feldmeyer, and
Raymond E. Barranco. 2018. "Religious Contexts and Violence in Emerging and Traditional
Immigration Destinations."
Religions 9:116-129.
Document Link
Barranco, Raymond E., Edward S. Shihadeh, and David Allan Evans. 2018. "Reconsidering the Unusual Suspect: Latino Immigration
and the 1990's Crime Decline."
Sociological Inquiry 88:344-369.
Felmlee, D. and
Sinclair, H. C. (2018). Social networks and personal relationships. Invited chapter for A. Vangelisti and D.
Perlman (Eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. London, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 467-480.
Document Link
Stubbs-Richardson, M., Sinclair, H. C., Goldberg, R., Ellithorpe, C., and Amadi, S. (2018). Reaching Out versus Lashing Out:
Examining Gender Differences in Experiences with and Responses to Bullying in High School.
American Journal of Criminal Justice,
43, 39-66
. Document Link
Stokes, E. C., Chicotsky, B. K., and Billings, A. C. (2018). The political pulpit: Issue framing and conservative partisanship
in Evangelical Protestant pastors' sermons before and after the 2008 election of Barack Obama.
Church, Communication and Culture,
3(1), 36-52.
Document Link
Cooley, S. C., and
Stokes, E. C. (2018). Manufacturing resilience: An analysis of broadcast and web-based news presentations
of the 2014-2015 Russian economic downturn.
Global Media and Communication,
14(1), 123-139.
Document Link
Stubbs-Richardson, M., Cosby, A. K., Bergene, K. D., and Cosby, A. G. (2018). Searching for Safety: Crime Prevention in the
Era of Google.
Crime Science,
Document Link
Stubbs-Richardson, M., Rader, N. E., and Cosby, A. G. (2018). Tweeting rape culture: Examining portrayals of victim blaming in
discussions of sexual assault cases on Twitter.
Feminism and Psychology, 28(1), 90-108.
Document Link
May, David C., Kristie Holler, Cindy L. Bethel, Lesley Strawderman, Daniel L. Carruth, and John Usher. 2017. Survey of Factors
for the Prediction of Human Comfort with a Non-Anthropomorphic Robot in Public Spaces.
International Journal of Social Robotics,
9(2), 165-180.
Document Link
Reid, Caroline, Jennifer Weis,
David C. May, and Brianna Wright. 2017. Safety Perceptions and Experiences with Violence among
College Students.
Contemporary Journal of Anthropology and Sociology, 5, Sept. Supplemental Issue, 4-19.
May, David C., Kristen Stives, Makeela Wells, and Peter Wood. 2017. Does Military Service Make the Experience of Prison Less
Painful? Voices from Incarcerated Veterans,
Criminal Justice Policy Review,
28(8) 770-789.
Document Link
Bishop, M., D. Burley, S. Buck, J. Ekstrom, L. Futcher, D. Gibson, E. Hawthorne, S. Kaza, Y. Levy, H. Mattord and
A. Parrish.
2017. "Cybersecurity Curricular Guidelines,"
Information Security Education, Springer International Publishing, pp.1-11.
Barranco, Raymond E., Casey T. Harris, and Ben Feldmeyer. 2017. "Revisiting Violence in New Destinations: Exploring the Drop
in Latino Homicide Victimization in New Destinations, 2000-2010."
Sociological Spectrum 37: 371-389.
Document Link
Barranco, Raymond E., Nicole Rader, and Anna Smith. 2017. "Violence at the Box Office: Considering Ratings, Ticket Sales, and
Content of Movies."
Communication Research 44: 77-95.
Document Link
Potter, Michael, Eskridge, Robert (2017) Do Chief Administrative Officers Believe They Are More Political or Administrative?
An Analysis of Survey Data on Administrative Officer Self-Perception and Ethical Role.
Public Integrity. Stable
Document Link
Barranco, Raymond, Wesley Jennings,
David C. May, and Makeela Wells. 2016. What Journals are the Most Cited
Journals in Criminology and Criminal Justice's "Big Three" Journals?
Journal of Criminal Justice Education,
27(1), 19-34.
Document Link
Li, Carrie K.W., Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and
David C. May. 2016. Examining the Mediating Effects of Social Learning on
the Low Self-Control – Cyberbullying Relationship in a Youth Sample.
Deviant Behavior, 37(2), 126-138.
Document Link
Ruddell, Rick, and
David C. May. 2016. Packin' in the Bakken: Explaining the Variation in Concealed Weapons Carry Permits in
North Dakota Counties.
Internet Journal of Criminology, August, 27-48.
May, David C., Raymond Barranco, Rick Rudell, and Angela Robertson. 2016. Do School Resource Officers Contribute to Net
Widening? Evidence from a Southern State.
Journal of Rural Social Sciences,
31(2), 62-85.
Document Link
Johnson, Kecia and
David C. May. 2016. Rural/Urban Differences in Inmate Perceptions of the Punitiveness of Prison: Does
Having Children Make Prison More Punitive?
Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 31(2), 35-61.
Document Link
Holt, Thomas J., Adam Bossler, Rebecca Malinski, and
David C. May. 2016. Identifying Predictors of Unwanted Sexual
Conversations among Youth Using Low Self-Control and a Routine Activities Framework.
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 32(2),
. Document Link
Irizarry, Yasmiyn,
David C. May, Adrienne Davis, and Peter Wood. 2016. Mass Incarceration through a Different Lens: Race,
Subcontext, and Perceptions of Punitiveness of Correctional Alternatives when Compared to Prison.
Race and Justice, 6(3),
236-256. Reprinted in:
Corrections A Text/Reader (3rd ed.). M. Stohr, A. Walsh, and C. Hemmens (editors). Sage.
Document Link
Barranco, Raymond E. 2016. "Suicide, Religion, and Latinos: A Macro-Level Study of U.S. Latino Suicide Rates."
Sociological Quarterly 57: 256:281.
Goldberg, R.,
Sinclair, H. C., Ritchey, T. E., and Ellithorpe, C. N. (2016). Replication of "Dealing with betrayal in close
relationships: Does commitment promote forgiveness?" by Finkel, Rusbult, Kumashiro, and Hannon (2002, JPSP 82(6), Exp. 1). Participated
as part of the Association for Psychological Science Registered Replication Reports program.
Document Link
Stokes, E. C., and Schewe, R. L. (2016). Framing from the pulpit: A content analysis of American conservative Evangelical
Protestant sermon rhetoric discussing LGBT couples and marriage.
Journal of Communication and Religion,
Cooley, S. C.,
Stokes, E. C., and Gines, A. (2016). Battle of the brand: How Twitter users in the Arab World challenge ISIL.
Romanian Journal of Marketing,
11(2), 12-24.
Bethel, C. L., Henkel, Z., Stives, K.,
May, D. C., Eakin, D. K., Pilkinton, M., Jones, A., and
M. (2016). Using robots to interview children about bullying: Lessons learned from an exploratory study.
IEEE International
Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016).
Document Link
Potter, Michael (2016). Reconciling Ethical Asymmetry in Agency Oversight: Striving for Eudaimonia among Legislative Staff in
West Virginia.
Global Virtue Ethics Review. 7, 2.
Document Link
Potter, Michael (2016).
Stimulus Spending. Chapter in
Today’s Economic Issues: Democrats and Republicans
, submitted to ABC-CLIO Academic Press.
Potter, Michael (2016).
Tax Cuts. Chapter in
Today’s Economic Issues: Democrats and Republicans,
submitted to ABC-CLIO Academic Press.
Potter, Michael (2016).
Is it Regulatory Capture or Capital? Exploring the Linkages Between Social Capital and Regulatory
Effectiveness Among U.S. Bank and Credit Union Regulators. Chapter in
e investigación, ed. Published by Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla Press.
Forthcoming and Under Review
Stokes, Ethan, Stacy Haynes, Amy Burdette, and
David May. 2020. Punishing the Wrongdoers: The Effects of
Religiosity on Punitive Attitudes toward Adults and Juveniles. Forthcoming in
Sociological Focus.
Lambert, Eric, Linda Keena, Stacy Haynes,
David May, Rosemary Ricciardelli, and Matthew Leone. 2019. Testing a Path Model of
Organizational Justice and Correctional Staff Job Stress. Forthcoming in
Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Lambert, Eric, Stacy Haynes, Linda Keena,
David May, and Matthew Leone. 2019. Research Note: The Effects of Organizational
Justice Variables on Job Involvement among Southern Prison Staff. Forthcoming in the
Journal of Crime and Justice.
Lambert, Eric, Linda Keena, Matthew Leone,
David May, and Stacy Haynes. 2019. Wanting a Fair Work Experience: Exploring the
Effects of Distributive and Procedural Justice on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment among Staff Working at an Unusual
Southern Prison. Forthcoming in
Social Science Journal.
Lambert, Eric, Linda Keena, Stacy Haynes,
David C. May, and Matthew Leone. 2019. Predictors of Job Stress among Southern
Correctional Staff. Forthcoming in
Criminal Justice Policy Review
Lambert, Eric, Linda Keena,
David C. May, and Stacy Haynes. 2017. To Be Committed or Not: Examining Effects of Personal and
Workplace Variables on the Organizational Commitment of Southern Prison Staff. Forthcoming in
Criminal Justice Studies,
Raymond E. Barranco, Nicole E. Rader, and Maria Trinh. "Tickets Sales and Violent Content in Popular Movies." Forthcoming in
Deviant Behavior.
Olejarski Amanda,
Mike Potter, and Robert L. Morrison. Organizational Learning in the Public Sector: Culture, Politics,
Performance, and Information-Sharing. Forthcoming in
Public Integrity.
Sinclair, H. C., Stubbs-Richardson, M., Ellithorpe, C. E.,
Nelson, S., and Utley, J. W. (under review).
Identifiable Impact: Consequences of identity-based bullying in high school.
Self and Identity.